If you own a smartphone, the chances are you have probably installed WhatsApp and that you are using this great app daily. It is one of the most popular instant messaging apps that is available for Android devices, iPhones, and Windows phones. However, this application is not available for iPad, at least not yet. That is a bit disappointing for every iPad user, especially because most of the apps you use on your iPhone or Android are available for iPad as well, such as Facebook messenger, or Viber.
In case you try to download and activate the app, the error will appear. If you don’t want to jailbreak your device, you must be wondering is there a way to get this app, so that you can install it and use it on your iPad. Well, we have some good news – you can install WhatsApp on your iPad, without jailbreaking. Until the WhatsApp iPad version comes out, you can use the method we are going to share with you.
See also: How To Fix Apps Freezing And Crashing On iPhone

How to install WhatsApp
Before we begin, it is important to know that you will need the iPhone for this method we are going to share. Don’t worry, you will need it for a few minutes only, so in case you don’t own an iPhone you can borrow it from a friend or family member.
The other thing required is a program called iFunbox that you can download here (works on both, PC and Mac). Install the program.
- Use your computer, PC or Mac, and open iTunes software
- Enter WhatsApp in the search box located in the top-right corner
- Select Whatsapp free and download it (it is an .ipa file).
Let’s locate the .ipa file you just downloaded and drag it to your desktop:
If you are a PC user – C:\Users\Username\My music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile applications
If you are a Mac user: /Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile applications
Now, follow these steps:
- Connect your iPad to your computer
- Start the iFunbox program you have previously downloaded and installed
- Click Install app
- Go to your desktop and click on WhatsApp
You will need your iPhone for this part:
- In case you have WhatsApp installed, delete the app and install it again (you need a fresh install)
- Start the application
- Now, simply register the number you will be using for WhatsApp on your iPad
- Verify the registration with the code that will be sent to the number you provided for registration
Going back to a computer:
- Unplug your iPad from your computer
- Plug the iPhone
- In the iFunbox, click on User applications
- Double click on WhatsApp (you will see several folders)
- Copy Documents and Library and paste the folders to your desktop
- Unplug the iPhone
- Plug the iPad
- In the iFunbox, click on User applications
- Double click on WhatsApp
- Replace Documents and Library folders with the same folders located on your desktop
That’s it. Now, you can use WhatsApp on your iPad. Enjoy!
See also: How To Fix iPhone/iPad Won’t Download Or Update Apps