Yes it bends, but the fault belongs to the users
iPhone 6 Plus is more sensitive than other phones from Apple and it bends – and the Internet has exploded with jokes about it. Beyond any reaction, there’s nothing strange that it bends and only users are to blame.
iPhone 6 Plus was not built to sit on him. There are a few phones that you can drive your car over them, but those are not the best nor “smartest”. iPhone and iPhone 6 Plus are two of the thinnest and stylish phones on the market right now. Fortunately, they have opposition in the form of HTC (M8). Have you wondered why HTC One (M8) won’t bend?
The solution is in the design and in the philosophy of the company. Apple wanted “thinner” devices than last year, which they delivered, and they also wanted to use more metal, another feature which they also succeeded to deliver. The bad side when you combine those two prerequisites is that you obtain an Apple phones such as the iPhone 6, which are quite sensitive to pressure. HTC has chosen metal, has chosen another design and other technical features. HTC (M8) is more resistant, has concave shape, starting from the top of the battery until the edges. That gives him resistance, turns it into a vault. iPhone 6 Plus (or his little brother, the 6) don’t have such design.
Any phone will fold, I tried this with Samsung Galaxy S4 that I own, but plastic ones will return to initial shape. The bad side is that the aluminum maintains its shape after you’ve bent or curved from the heat. It’s thin, but not too strong, it’s stylish, but not too friendly with mechanical pressure.
Other Apple phones that bent – iPhone 5s @ Cult of Mac
iPhone 6 was not “designed” like this
I have read many reactions to the problem with the iPhone 6 Plus and I notice a leitmotif: the phone was kept in the back pocket, not to remove it when the user was sitting. That is the point of indicating that your phone is able to resist? Well, neither iPhone 6 Plus, nor other phones were designed to sit on them. Simply they have other features, and the iPhone 6 Plus has a low resistance. I assume that Apple knew about the issue, but Jon Ive’s design was more important than engineering and material physics.
“LCDs are built between fragile layers of glass. Even if you don’t surf, to apply pressure on them may affect the alignment between the layers in the front and rear, and this will affect the performance and image quality, “said Raymond Soneira, President of DisplayMate. In everyday use, iPhone 6 Plus holds up without any problems. To put the phone in your pocket, and sit on it is not a daily use. Neither bother to bend it in order to show that it can be done, that’s not a normal matter either.
Returning to the mechanical, material and good-sense, iPhone 6 Plus is a “palette” of 15.8 x7.78 cm and 7.1 mm thickness. For comparison, the old phone has 12.3 x 5,86 cm and 7.6 mm thickness. Increase the height, reduce the thickness and, naturally, the phone will be more sensitive to pressure, because it’s not made of adamantium.
iPhone 6 Bentgate is not the same as iPhone 4 Antennagate
In 2010, the iPhone 4 had a problem. The new design, with Wi-Fi antennas, GSM and Bluetooth connected directly on the sidelines, lead to Antennagate. In certain positions, when touching the edges the signal was gone. Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder and Chief Executive, said with an extreme shamelessness that users are not correctly keeping the phone in their hands. iPhone 6 Plus with Bentgate is not the same thing.
It is a minus for the Apple, but it’s not the same case as in 2010. It would be a mistake for the company to pay damages. The bottom line is simple: If you purchase the iPhone 6, keep in mind it is not a tank. It is the best performing and most sensitive iPhone ever produced. And for $950, the price of the 16GB model, it’s not recommended to go to test if it bends or not. Yes it will, the Internet is full of evidence.