Android is a very versatile operating system, it can operate on various architectures with simple modifications, therefore, the community and the fans of this OS have managed to amaze us by providing a way to install Android on computers with x86 processors.
To install Android on your PC, first you need to download the following files:
Android-x 86 (Android 6) or Android 5.1 or Remix OS (also based on project Android x86)
Download UNetbootin or Rufus
Download GParted
Instructions for installing Android on your PC:
1. Format a stick using FAT32 format.
2. In the Windows Start Menu search Disk Management and access the “Create and format hard disk partition”.
3. Right-click on your HDD where you want to install the Android operating system and then access the Shrink Volume.
4. Choose the size in MB (16GB or 32GB recommended) and then click on Shrink.
5. After you have created the partition open UNetbootin or Rufus.
6. Select the ISO image from the Gparted and create a bootable stick.
7. After the stick is completed, restart the computer and access the Boot Menu, it is usually accesses using F12, F11 or Esc according to the laptop or the motherboard.
8. After accessing the Boot Menu select the stick and then boot off it.
9. While the stick boots, a message with a text will appear, press Enter and start GParted Live.
10. From GParted, run Unetbootin, select Disk Image and navigate to the ISO file with the Android x86 operating system, then select your USB stick and press OK.
11. Boot again from the stick and Android-x 86 will boot from the menu; there choose the Installation Partition ext4 and select Do not format.
12. Restart and you can boot Android x86 on your PC.
To install RemixOS, the installation instructions are way easier. First follow the steps from 2 to 4 of the previous tutorial, then the steps below:
1. Download the operating system.
2. Open RuFus and select the ISO file with the operating system.
3. Create a bootable stick with the operating system.
4. Use the bootable stick to install the operating system.
If you want to install Android x86 (Android 5.1), you can follow the same steps as in the case of Remix OS.
Good luck!