iOS is the second biggest platform for mobile OS after Android platform. It’s also pioneer of a mobile OS revolution for smartphone and then tablet. Apple keep developing iOS continuously, so it can become more relevant, advanced and beautiful as a mobile OS. The biggest iOS momentum when iOS entered the 7th generation with iOS 7. Apple revamp iOS design become more simple, minimalist and beautiful. They courageously made a dramatic changes on iOS 7 as iOS with its development was not influenced directly by Steve Jobs.
In the year after, iOS 8 came as improvement and additional features made iOS more exposed for developers to develop their applications. iOS 8 has introduced the extension feature, Allowing third-party apps to communicate with other apps. one of this implementation can you see on Photos app, you can open Photos app and access tool from other editing application from third party at once, that is the extension feature.
iOS 8 offers the widget to place the application in Notification Center, and this is very helpful in accessing certain feature by fast. Now, Apple dared to change a small feature when many users request it. For instance in iOS 8.0, Camera Roll feature in Photos app was changed with Recently Add. Many users were confused and asked Apple to change it back to Camera Roll. Apple has granted it. On iOS 8.1 Camera Roll feature has return to Photos app. This is prove that Apple started to open in developing their OS.
Now, approaching WWDC 2015, Apple certainly will introduce their next iOS which seem will be named iOS 9 with codename as it’s known by insider as Monarch. the insider resources gave clues of iOS 9 features which seem make sense. What can we expect from iOS 9 for iOS device ?, here are the clues:
- Using a new font for wide system.
- “Home” apps for application and accessories which support homekit.
- The additional transit on Apple Maps.
- Split app for iPad which has a bigger screen.
- OS quality improvement, rootless and security.
se also: Developers: Apple WWDC 2015 set June 8-12, Ready for Random Ticket?
Using a New Font
The rumors said that Apple likes the font of Apple Watch: San Francisco font. Font on iOS 7 and 8 adopts Helvetica Neue light font which is very good and in line with the minimalist design on iOS 7. But, some users complained how difficult to read with that font. There’re some users who have tried to change the font in iOS 8 with San Francisco by force, and they said “it’s great”. So, we’ll see, whether Apple will adopt this font for iOS 9? So that there will be a look consistence between iOS on iDevice and Watch OS on Apple Watch. Of course this option will be influenced by some factors: aesthetic, beauty, readability and consistency.
“home” apps
Homekit was introduced Apple on WWDC 2014 event last year which open a space for home automation accessories to be able to integrated their system with iOS. But, the implementation will be seen in iOS 9 wherein insider source said Apple is preparing the application called “home” which is a virtual rooms with some features:
- Wirelessly discovering and setting up compatible HomeKit devices
- Creating a virtual representation of rooms in the home to easily organize and connect HomeKit devices
- Utilizing the Apple TV as a hub connecting all of the HomeKit devices
- Offering a series of screens to help users find new HomeKit devices and apps
This application will make the use of home automation accessories applications more comfortable to use. I hope so.
Transit, indoor mapping project dan “street view” pada apple Maps
This third feature has been waited by iPhone users which absence from Apple Maps. As we have known this third feature has been available in Google maps and some also available in Here maps. Apple is planning to launch a transit service for bus, subway and train route navigation. Moreover, they are also rumored will implement mapping indoor to complete user needs of indoor map building. The thing which still a mystery is street view which may be launched by Apple. This indication is seen from Apple Van car which doing a tour to do a photo shots around the streets of California. It’s an Apple step to complete Apple maps in competing with Google maps. But of course the availability of this feature will be depended on transit services and indoor mapping on Apple maps.
We are going to discus the 2 last point on our next article: What can we expect from iOS 9 for iOS device
Source: 9to5mac