To know what are the top 15 most annoying video game enemies, we should first know what is video game all about. Video games are the opponent of TV shows as both tell us the powerful story with the impressive visuals but in TV shows, people have no choice to their character and can never completely immerse themselves in those characters. While in video games you have a choice to choose your character and can immerse yourself in the character that sets it apart from other storytelling mediums.
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The top 15 most annoying video game enemies are:
The appearance of MURLOC is Fish faced weird – sounding monster. During your questing experience, he would irritate you the most. The trouble comes from their numbers when you are dealing with one, there are six more that will irritate you and cause you to die if you have no much experience with the game.

Source – wowwiki.wikia.com
Minecraft’s main aspect is to explore the world. It assembles them into visually appealing structures, the other aspect of the game is survival. Here survival includes fighting with enemies with the clunky battle system and restoring your health with an annoying hunger system but the worst part of the survival aspect of Minecraft is the creepers. They will take you magnificent structures that destroy most types of blocks that activated on proximity.

Source – www.youtube.com
POISON HEAD – CRAB – Half Life 2
The poison head – crab will annoy you the most! The attack seems to come out from nowhere and the toxins will temporarily affect your health. They have dodging abilities in their repertoire as they will boldly attack you. They are smarter than the other head-crabs.

Source – half-life.wikia.com
Flying enemies are the most irritating enemy type in the video games and CLIFF RACER is one of no exception, they come in great numbers and hunt you down. They may not kill you when once you attain the higher levels but will still annoy you.

Source – www.neogaf.com
The wheel skeletons are not only annoying but they are also a pain to kill because of their speedy moves. They will break you through your guard causing you to stagger if they hit you though you are wearing the gears to prevent from staggering.

Source – darksouls.wikidot.com
YANME’E – halo 2 – Reach
They are the annoying flying things that will frustrate you like hell. An alternate name of Yanme’e is “BUGGER” as they are a bugger of a bug that only exists to bug you.

Source – halo.wikia.com
MEDUSA HEADS – Castlevania
They move in a sine – wave pattern. These things have caused many deaths as they made the Spanish flu death toll look like a manageable common cold outbreak.

Source – www.gameinformer.com
MALBORO – Final Fantasy
They are with a giant mouth, weird green tentacles with orange eyes at the end. They can easily destroy your party if you are not prepared.

Source – finalfantasy.wikia.com
HAMMER BRO – Super Mario Bos.
Their appearances are made worse as they come in pairs. They have abilities and occasionally appear underwater levels; they change themselves to teenage mutant ninja. They are the real pain to deal in the rectum.

Source -www.game-art-hq.com
REGENERADOR – Resident Evil 4
There is nothing worse than a bullet sponge enemy which is very difficult to kill. Even in normal mode, they are very difficult to kill, but their true annoyances are seen in the difficulties.

Source – www.youtube.com
It is a disgusting giant looking slug, which has the ability to consume special that are required to defeat. They can be killed easily, but if you are not attentive, then they can create a mess of work for you.

Source – www.deviantart.com
ZUBAT – Pokemon
People use REPEL as they over and over confuse you so as to hit yourself, as well as it will irritate you to leave the game. This frustration is being removed by replacing zubat with a variety of pokemons.

Source – www.giantbomb.com
METAL SLIME – Dragon Quest
METAL SLIME is designed to frustrate you, neither that will kill you nor will hunt you down, it will only frustrate you till you wish that to never see them again.

Source – dragonquest.wikia.com
CAZADOR – Fallout New Vegas
They wreck you quickly than you might have thought that it is physically possible. You will be in trouble if you target their head so, try to target their wings that would be a better option.

Source – www.youtube.com
BIRDS – Ninja Gaiden (NES)
They are fast as buggery so it is impossible to hit them. In the real world, no one is killed by a bird but in this game, they are death.

Source – kotaku.com
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